Consumer empowerment on online purchasing

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Megawati Simanjuntak


This research investigates the influence of social, demographic, and economic characteristics toward consumer empowerment on online purchasing in Asia, using a cross-sectional study through an online survey of 100 samples who experienced online purchasing. Multiple linear regression is performed for data analysis. The result showed that early adult males withhigh education, Javanese ethnic, lived in an urban area and were an employee with more than one million incomes per month was the most empowered group. Regression analyses resultreveals that gender, ethnic, and income significantly negatively influenced consumer empowerment. Meanwhile, a male with non-Sundanese ethnic and low income would increase the consumer empowerment index.


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Author Biography

Megawati Simanjuntak, Department of Family and Consumer Sciences Faculty of Human Ecology, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)

Megawati Simanjuntak is an Associate Professor at the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Indonesia. Her areas of specialization include consumer behavior, consumer education and protection, and consumer research. Since 2013, Megawati has been actively involved in various research on consumer empowerment, including the mapping and measurement of consumer empowerment index, formulation of instruments and identification of consumer empowerment, and survey of Consumer Empowerment Index in rural and urban areas across western, central, and eastern Indonesia region.


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