Understanding the consumer empowerment in health service

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Megawati Simanjuntak
Riesti Yuja Tesiana


Health services are one of the most necessary services of the community, and these fields need to be addressed to provide the best health services for the community. This research aimed to analyze the influence of social, demographic, and economic characteristics toward empowered consumers on health services. This research used a cross-sectional design through a survey of 100 people and direct interviews. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential analysis. The result showed that 46-67 years old male respondents, who were highly educated (>12 years), and have a job with >360 815 IDR incomes per month were the most empowered group of respondents than others. Regression analyses revealed that a high length of education and high income would increase the value of the consumers’ empowerment index.


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Author Biographies

Megawati Simanjuntak, Department of Family and Consumer Sciences Faculty of Human Ecology, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)

Megawati Simanjuntak is an Associate Professor at the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Indonesia. Her areas of specialization include consumer behavior, consumer education and protection, and consumer research. Since 2013, Megawati has been actively involved in various research on consumer empowerment, including the mapping and measurement of consumer empowerment index, formulation of instruments and identification of consumer empowerment, and survey of Consumer Empowerment Index in rural and urban areas across western, central, and eastern Indonesia region.

Riesti Yuja Tesiana, Department of Family and Consumer Sciences Faculty of Human Ecology, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)

Riesti Yuja Tesiana graduated from Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology, IPB University, Indonesia. Her areas of specialization is consumer behavior. She can be reached via riestiyujatesiana@yahoo.com. 


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