Systematic review of lean thinking in education institutions
Main Article Content
The economy, culture, and social development of countries in the 21st century are directly related to the quality of education. For education to have expected quality and deliver the desired values to their client, many educational institutions are applying Lean management. Therefore, the paper aimed to explore the Lean implementation in education through a systematic review of papers from the past five years, in English and the Scopus and Web of Science databases. The methodology was developed using the PRISMA protocol and has been according to the type of approach, place of analysis, tools, facilitators, barriers, positive results, negative results, and the tendency of future work. The main results found were that 69.57% of the papers are analytical, LSS is the most discussed tool, the reduction is the main facilitator, the lack of Lean knowledge is the main barrier, and the attendance to the student obtained the best positive result.
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