The server's turnover on a federal education institution of Rio de Janeiro: the construction of a proposal of action to aid the reversal of the talent's evasion process

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Daniel Mendes Pires Haack
Stella Regina Reis da Costa
Augusto da Cunha Reis


Given the current scenario, where the citizen's level of demand for public services is gradually high, it is impossible to maintain the old inefficient practices in Public Administration. Given this situation, it is necessary to reformulate the methods to improve the final product, moving the current processes to an administration of a more managerial nature, based not only on efficiency, but also on the efficiency of the product returned to society. In this sense, it is conceived that such a reformulation should include Human Resources Management, also directing it to a strategic management model, through which people and, consequently, their motivation, take on a central role for the Institutions, in order to strengthen the degree of commitment between employee and Organization. As an objective, this work aimed at the construction of a proposal of action to assist a Federal Education Institution of Rio de Janeiro in the retention of its servers. In order to do so, the main factors capable of adversely affecting the process of establishment of organizational commitment, as well as the application of a questionnaire to 95 employees of the institution, were identified through bibliographic and documentary exploratory research, in order to identify the degree of relevance of these factors, and the proposition of specific actions, such as the creation of a bank of hours for the servers, in order to mitigate or even reverse the evasion of talent in the Institution.


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