ISSN: 2236-269X

Special Edition IFLOG 2016

Published: 2017-07-01

Editorial Volume 8, Issue 5

Paulo Cesar Chagas Rodrigues, Adriano Maniçoba da Silva


Evaluation of PMBOK and scrum practices for software development in the vision of specialists

Elton Fernandes Gonçalves, Geisa Meirelles Drumond, Mirian Picinini Méxas


Economic-financial analysis of an investment of tanks for ARLA 32 at the fleet of a transportation company

Gabriel Nery da Silva, Laiane Aparecida Soares Sena Nery, Luiz Teruo Kawamoto Júnior


Discrete simulation applied to the production process of electronic components

Willians dos Santos Lúcio, Lucas Santos da Costa, Adriano Maniçoba da Silva, William Ferreira de Paula


The reverse logistics importance in the management of residues of plastic packaging of lubricants and the program jogue limpo

Everaldo Francisco da Silva, Luís Fernando Ferreira Damasceno, Luiz Teruo Kawamoto Júnior


Application of a mathematical model for the minimization of costs in a micro-company of the graphic sector

Paulo Cesar Chagas Rodrigues, Fernando Augusto Silva Marins, Fernando Bernardi de Souza


The restrictions covered in the distribution of fractional loads: a case study

Tassiana Vieira Santos, Marilene Rosaria Santos, Gisele Correia Macario, Kyvia Barros Moreira, Thainah Amaral


Analysis of demand in the importation process for the trade of individual protection equipment

Tatiane Chiles Toledo, Geisiane Ferreira Silva, Wagner Roberto Garo Junior


Metaheuristic ILS with path relinking for the number partitioning problem

Cesar Augusto Souza de Oliveira, William de Paula Ferreira, Reinaldo Carlos Mendes, Gleisson de Assis, Marcone Jamilson Freitas Souza


Humanitarian logistics: the establishment of the nimbusdroid pluviometric monitoring system to rainfall spates, floods and overflows in the rochdale neighborhood

Camila Umbelino Carvalho, Érica Santos Marinho, Natália Dias dos Santos, Leandro Magrini do Carmo, Robson Antonio Pires, Vinícius Ribeiro do Nascimento, Dewar Taylor Carnero Chavez


Simulation as a hospital management support tool

Nemesio Rodrigues Capocci, Bárbara Soares Nascimento, Filipe Brito Lopes, Enio Fernandes Rodrigues, João Roberto Maiellaro


Simulation of operational processes in hospital emergency units as lean healthcare tool

Andreia Macedo Gomes, Pedro Senna Vieira, Augusto da Cunha Reis
