Segmentary analysis of the efficiency of state enterprises

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Iryna Parasii-Verhunenko
Nataliia Hryshchenko
Tetiana Kostiuk
Lydiia Fedoryshyna
Oleksandr Hridin


The purpose of the article is to substantiate the main stages and directions of analysis of the activities of state-owned enterprises by operational and geographical segments, taking into account the goals and objectives of strategic management. The information base of the empirical study was the data of the official website of JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” for 2020. The methodological and methodological basis of the study is the National Accounting Regulation (Standard) 29 “Financial reporting by segments” and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) 8 “Operating segments”. The following methodical methods were used in the course of the research, namely: methods as comparison, modelling, time series, structural and dynamic, graphic and coefficient analysis. Based on the proposed methodology, the efficiency of JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” is analysed and the problematic operating segments of its activities are identified, which reduce the overall financial results of the company. The results of the study are the improvement and systematization of analytical indicators in terms of individual stages and areas of strategic analysis of the effectiveness of state enterprises through the differentiation of performance evaluation of their operating business segments. For this purpose the main stages and directions of the analysis on the following analytical blocks are offered: the analysis of external environment of functioning of a business segment; analytical assessment of the competitiveness and competitive position of the business segment; analysis of resource potential and efficiency of production capacity of the business segment; assessment of innovation and investment activity of the business segment; analysis of the efficiency of the business segment; analysis of the state of execution of budgets of revenues, expenditures, profits; analysis of management efficiency and quality.


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Author Biographies

Iryna Parasii-Verhunenko, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Science (Economics), professor of Department of Financial Analysis and Audit. She teaches disciplines: Strategic Analysis, Economic Analysis, Corporate Analysis and Business Diagnostics. Scientific interests: The economic Analysis in the management of the enterprise,  Strategic Analysis, Corporate Analysis and Business Diagnostics, Financial Analysis, International accounting, control and analysis practices. Author of more than 196 scientific works. 

Nataliia Hryshchenko, Kyiv National University named after Vadym Hetman

Ph.D. in Economics, Assistant professor at the International Management Department. She teaches disciplines: Global Economy, International Consulting. Scientific interests: International consulting and accounting, International management, Global corporations development trends, strategic management. Author of more than 30 scientific works.

Tetiana Kostiuk, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor of the Economics Department. She teaches the following subjects: Labor economics and social and labor relations. Scientific interests: Food security, Economic security of Agriculture of Ukraine, Labor Economics.

Lydiia Fedoryshyna , Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

Ph. D. in Historical Studies, Associate Professor, Departments Аnalysis and Аudit. Candidate of Historical Sciences. Her continuous experience exceeds thirty years. Since 1992 he has been working at Vinnytsia National Agrarian University. In addition to research work, she teaches Statistics, Economic Analysis, Strategic and Macroeconomic Analysis, etc. Research interests: Analysis, Statistics, Taxation. 

Oleksandr Hridin, State Biotechnological University

Ph.D. (2019), Associate Professor (2020), Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Business and Management, the associate professor in the Department of Organization of Production, Business and Management. He teaches disciplines taught: HR management; innovation management; operations management; strategic management; organization of production. Scientific interests: Development of personnel management systems of agricultural enterprises: theory, methodology, practice. Author of more than 100 scientific works. Researcher ID: G-1849-2017. Scopus Author ID: 57216225277


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