Strategic analysis of the competitiveness of educational products in the management of higher education institutions

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Iryna Parasii-Verhunenko
Inna Kuznetsova
Hanna Misko
Olena Biriuk
Olena Zharikova


The purpose of this article is to develop modern methodological approaches to strategic analysis of the competitiveness of educational products from the standpoint of management of higher education institutions to form a cost management strategy, make fuller use of resource potential and optimize curricula and areas of training professionals. The information base of the study was data on the composition and structure of expenses for preparation of one student, obtained as a result of a survey of 87 institutions of higher education in Ukraine for 2015-2018. Methodical and methodological base for calculating the cost of training one student of higher education institutions was the methodology developed by the State Educational and Scientific Institution “Academy of Financial Management”. Information on the cost of education, the cost of training one student in terms of individual specialties was used on the example of SHEI “Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman” and obtained from the official website of the university. As a result of research the technique of the matrix analysis of an estimation of competitiveness of educational products which is based on a combination of indicative values of indicators is offered. It is proposed to carry out such an assessment on the basis of a two-dimensional matrix, and provide an analytical interpretation of the values of each cell of the matrix, which ensures the implementation of evaluation and search functions of strategic management and forms analytical basis for monitoring costs and revenues for the top management of the institution. The results of the study can be used to implement marketing strategies of higher education institutions aimed at realizing their competitive advantages and more effective use of competitive potential.


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Integration System of Education, Science and Production
Author Biographies

Iryna Parasii-Verhunenko, Kyiv National Economic University by V.Hetman

Doctor of Science (Economics), professor of accounting Department of credit and budgetary institutions and economic analysis The State higher economic establishment «Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University»,

She teaches disciplines: Strategic Analysis, Economic Analysis, Corporate Analysis, and Business Diagnostics.

Scientific interests: The economic analysis in the management of the enterprise,  Strategic Analysis, Corporate Analysis, and Business Diagnostics, Financial Analysis, International Accounting, control and analysis practices.

Author of more than 196 scientific works. 

Inna Kuznetsova, Odessa National Economic University

Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor, Head of Department has been working at the Department of Management.
She teaches disciplines "Management", "Methods of making managerial decisions", "Strategic Management"
Has practical experience of the engineer-economist of the department of the automated production control system at the Odessa mechanical plant of equipment, Dean of the Faculty of Advanced Training at the Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Head of Department of Management at the Odessa National Economic University
Scientific interests: strategic management; operational management; economic security of enterprises.

Hanna Misko, Odessa National Economic University

Doctor of Philosophy, Senior Lecturer Department of  Management

She teaches disciplines taught: Management, Strategic management, Organization theory and organizational behavior, Corporate Social Responsibility.
Scientific interests: Management, Corporate Social Responsibility.
Author of the more than 40 scientific works.

Olena Biriuk, Kyiv National Economic University by V.Hetman

Ph.D., Associate Professor has been working at the Department of Accounting and Taxation.

She teaches disciplines taught Finacial Accounting, Accounting Policy, Finacial analysis.

Scientific interests: Accounting, Analysis and Taxation, Reporting, Accounting Policy

Olena Zharikova, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

Associate Professor of Banking and Insurance (Finance), has been working at the Department of Economics National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.

She teaches disciplines taught students have a bachelor's and master's degree.

Has practical experience of the leading specialist in economic and financial issues at the enterprise "Velykosnitynka” Educational Research Farm named after O.V. Muzychenko.

Scientific interests: Finance, Banking, and Insurance, Economics.


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