Impact of electronic word of mouth to the purchase intention - the case of Instagram

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Vi Truc Ho
Nhan Trong Phan
Phuong Viet Le-Hoang


This research aims to discover and confirm the factors of e-WOM that influence users' shopping intentions on Instagram. The data was collected from 700 customers who belong to Gen Y and Gen Z from 18 to 39 years old who live and work in Vietnam. The research model and the scales were built from the empirical research of e-WOM from Lim (2016); Park et al. (2007); Prendergast et al. (2010). Quantitative methods were performed by Cronbach's Alpha reliability testing, EFA discovery factor analysis, regression, and ANOVA test. The research results showed that the fourth factor of e-WOM positively impacts users' purchase intent on Instagram with decreasing levels as Information Provider's Expertise, the quantity of e-WOM, and the Source credibility of e-WOM, and the quality of e-WOM, respectively. Also, users' purchase intention on Instagram under the impact of e-WOM varies by gender, but there is no difference by age and income.


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