Analysis of the catfish (clarias sp.) value chain and its problems in Bogor, Indonesia

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Asep Bulkini
Arif Satria
Heti Mulyati


Catfish is one of the leading freshwater commodities stipulated by the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) of the Republic of Indonesia. The annual production target of catfish continues to increase every year. This study aims to analyze the actors and the value chain map of catfish, problems in the value chain of catfish, and the strategies to improve the value chain. This research was conducted by survey method using questionnaire instrument. The survey was done by using purposive sampling technique to 23 catfish farmers, 7 catfish wholesalers, 5 catfish retailers, and 5 catfish processors in Bogor Regency. In this study, there are 4 channels of the value chain of catfish from the production to the consumer. The four actors who are involved in the value chain, namely farmer, wholesaler, retailer, and processor. The constraints along the value chain consist of three aspects: pre-production, production, and post-harvest.  Pre-production problems include thequality of seeds, high price of feed, and lack of capital. Problems on production are the weather, fish mortality, and social security. Problems facing post-production cover price instability and  lack of bargaining power of farmers. Proposed up-grading strategies to improve the competitiveness are strengthening partnership among farmers, strengthening partnerships between farmers and  other strategic partners (traders, and feed companies).


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