Strategic management of the enterprise: analysis of sectoral determinants

Main Article Content

Olha Balabash
Inna Kuznetsova
Inna Levytska
Svitlana Zaika
Tetyana Skrypko


The article proposes a methodology for determining and analyzing the determinant of the development of the industry, which makes it possible to formulate a list of applied recommendations for the formation of a strategy for the development of enterprises in the cable industry. The study uses a number of methods, the use of which allows us to explore the strategic prospects for the development of the industry, identify the determinants of development, evaluate them, and establish the nature of the impact on the activities of enterprises in the industry; highlight the structural and logical relationships between the studied factor conditions and development determinants, substantiate practical recommendations on the formation of a development strategy for enterprises in the industry. These methods include: methods of analyzing time series, methods of expert evaluation, the rhombus of state advantages by Porter, graph-analytical methods.The article provides statistical data on the volume of the world market for cable and wire products, identifies the main manufacturers and exporters of cable products. Trends in changes in the volume of production and sales of cable products in the world and in Ukraine are studied, in particular, the prospects for the development of the industry are substantiated. The main determinants of the development of the cable industry are determined, which are systematized and studied by the rhombus method of national advantages by M. Porter. Based on the method of expert assessment, a linguistic assessment of the established determinants is carried out, and the nature of their influence on the activities of enterprises in the industry is determined; the structural relationships between the studied factor conditions and development determinants are studied. The article provides arguments for choosing this particular methodological approach to analysis, which, on the one hand, makes it possible to ensure the complexity of the study - taking into account the systematic identification of determinants, the ability to take into account dynamic changes, determine the nature of their influence and track the structural and logical relationships between the studied factor conditions and development determinants. industries. Based on the results obtained, the author makes practical proposals for the formation of a strategy for the development of Ukrainian enterprises for the production of cable and wire products in the global and domestic markets.


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Integration System of Education, Science and Production
Author Biographies

Olha Balabash, Odesa National Economic University

Ph.D. in Economics, Senior Instructor, Department of Management, Odesa National Economic University



Inna Kuznetsova, Odesa National Economic University

Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor, Head of Department has been working at the Department of Management, Odessa National Economic University. She teaches disciplines "Management", "Methods of making managerial decisions", "Strategic Management". Has practical experience of the engineer-economist of the department of the automated production control system at the Odessa mechanical plant of equipment, Dean of the Faculty of Advanced Training at the Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Head of Department of Management at the Odessa National Economic University. Scientific interests: strategic management; operational management; economic security of enterprises.

Inna Levytska, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

Doctor of Economic sciences, Professor. Main research area(s): Basic and applied research in the tourism, hotel and restaurant business and development of innovative hospitality management concepts.

Svitlana Zaika, State Biotechnological University

Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor (2018), Director of the Academic Institute of Business and Management, Associate Professor of the Department of Production, Business, and Management. The field of scientific interests is the study of the state of the economy in the conditions of European integration processes and transformational changes, the development of concepts, methods and mechanisms of management of economic activities of enterprises, management of innovation and investment activities of enterprises in an unstable environment; analysis and evaluation of investment projects in the field of economy and entrepreneurship; substantiation of the use of alternative energy sources. She is the author and co-author of over 270 scientific publications. Researcher ID: P-1850-2016 

Tetyana Skrypko, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

Dr.Sc. in Economics, Professor, Department of Management and Expertise of Goods. Among the courses she teaches: innovation management, corporate governance, etc. Research interests: National economy, Circular Economy, Economic security, Institutional Infrastructure, Small business, Innovation, Tourism industry, Investment Management, Organizational Behavior.


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