Key factors for a continuous improvement process

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Hector Ricardo Formento
Franco Javier Chiodi
Fernando Juan Cusolito
Lucas Ariel Altube
Sebastian Pablo Gatti


The goal of this work was to examine the content of continuous improvement strategies, taking into account the important role they play in building competitiveness. This paper argues that several specific issues must be taken into account in order to reach successful outcomes.

This work starts with a literature review on the matter. On this basis, we designed a survey administered to a group of 30 large companies, each of which is renowned leader in Argentina. Finally, we compared the development of continuous improvement process in companies with very effective results and with scarce results. Differences that emerged from this comparison enabled us to identify critical factors for achieving a successful improvement process.

As there are no recent researches on continuous improvement programs in Argentina, this paper contributes to recognizing and systematizing what has been done, comparing it with theoretical framework and uncovering research gaps for future studies. However, further research must confirm these findings and move forward on the analysis of intangible factors, like: internal communications, climate, culture, self reflexion, consensus, etc.


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Author Biographies

Hector Ricardo Formento, National University of General Sarmiento

Mechanical Engineer graduated from the National Technological University, with a postgraduate degree in University Teaching.

Researcher – Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Industry, National University of General Sarmiento. During the past 11 years has led a research team that studies the processes of continuous improvement.

Over the past 25 years he has participated in many congresses and conducted seminars and conferences on continuous improvement in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador and Venezuela. He is currently vice president of SAMECO (Argentine Society pro Continuous Improvement), nonprofit organization that disseminates experiences and knowledge on continuous improvement.


Franco Javier Chiodi, National University of General Sarmiento

Chemical engineer, graduated from Faculty of Engineering National University of the Center of Buenos Aires Province. Master in Economics and Industrial Development. PhD student.

Researcher – Associate Professor at the Institute of Industry, National University of General Sarmiento. Member of the research team led by Hector Formento

Fernando Juan Cusolito, National University of General Sarmiento

Mechanical Engineer graduated from the National Technological University Researcher – Associate Professor at the Institute of Industry, National University of General Sarmiento. Member of the research team led by Hector Formento

Lucas Ariel Altube, National University of General Sarmiento

Degree in Economics from the National University of Córdoba. Master in Economics and Industrial Development.

Researcher – Assistant Professor at the Institute of Industry, National University of General Sarmiento. Member of the research team led by Hector Formento


Sebastian Pablo Gatti, National University of General Sarmiento

Industrial Engineer graduated from the Faculty of Engineering of the National University of Lomas de Zamora. Master in Industrial Quality.

Researcher – Assistant Professor at the Institute of Industry, National University of General Sarmiento. Member of the research team led by Hector Formento


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