An application of fuzzy analytic hierarchy process in a university teaching hospital
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Supplier’s management plays an important role in cost and quality performance of purchasing companies. This important role has provided the growth of studies on the application of multi-criteria analysis method in manufacturing companies, although, with less impact on the services sector, mainly in the healthcare sector. For that reason, this research aimed to show the results of Fuzzy AHP multi-criteria analysis method application in a university teaching hospital, with the purpose of improving the operation and internal management of pharmacy suppliers. Among the main results and contributions of the research, it is an elaborated description of each step of the method, followed by contextualization of the sector, revealing the application of fuzzy inference in the analysis of variables mostly qualitative in this specific sector. The findings of this study can provide the managers with valuable insights into the dimensions that reflect decision making when choosing suppliers in the setting of a university teaching hospital. By knowing these criteria, hospitals can increase their quality of service by selecting the best supply options for medical and hospital supplies, providing better service to patients.
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