Clustering the technical capability in the brazilian aeronautical maintenance industry

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Marcio Cardoso Machado
Ligia Maria Soto Urbina
Rodrigo Scarpel
صندلی اداری


In the sectors where equipment requiring services of maintenance are technologically complex and advanced, such as in the air transportation, knowing and managing the technical capability of the enterprises of the sector can be a good way maximizing the efforts of training. This paper attempts to present a process of technical capability clustering for the aeronautical maintenance industry, in order to provide a usable overview of the sector competences. The findings present a unique insight into the understanding of competences clustering that may be used across different industries.


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Professor of Production Department at Mechanical Engineering Division, Aeronautical Institute of Technology, São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil


Professor of Production Department at Mechanical Engineering Division, Aeronautical Institute of Technology, São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil


Professor of Production Department, Mechanical Engineering Division, Aeronautical Institute of Technology, São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil


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