Effect of logistical control in customer satisfaction in a company in the packing sector
Main Article Content
Logistics has become a strategic activity along the time not only a mere operational task in corporations, for that reason having a suitable management for logistics processes bring benefits all over the companies and impacts customer satisfaction. This paper was developed based on a case study performed in a packaging company located in the east area of the city of São Paulo, it was conducted in the period from April to September of 2017. An evaluation of logistical processes was performed based on non-participative observations and posteriorly with participative observations, with the diagnosis of main problems corrective actions were implemented as well as processes control. A training program was done to prepare the workers to accomplish with the new procedures, that made possible to stablish a comparison between past results and the ones achieved with new procedures and controls. It was also proposed and utilized the Net Promoter Score – NPS method to evaluate customer satisfaction that allowed to observe the results evolution achieved with the new procedures implemented.
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