Urban mobility: service level and demand forecast study on a road in the city of São Paulo
Main Article Content
The theme urban mobility has been gaining prominence in recent times due to the impact it causes on the quality of life of people living in large centers, this article aims to study and evaluate the Capacity and Level of Service in a specific route in the city of São Paulo based on the concepts and methods established in Highway Capacity Manual 2000 (HCM 2000), in addition to using linear regression to estimate the forecast of short-term traffic demand in a biennial scenario, to propose alternatives to provide a satisfactory Service Level compatible with the forecast demand, to analyze the efficiency of the method as a tool in the decision-making process in the measures for the improvement of circulation and retardation in the municipal road system. In this exploratory, quantitative and descriptive study, the calculations were performed using concepts and methods contained in HCM 2000 evaluating the efficiency of the method as a means of obtaining information to support decision-making regarding the improvement of urban mobility. The results showed a tendency to reduce the volume of vehicle flow in the studied road. The results obtained demonstrate that the tools applied in the present work can be of great value for decision making or proposition measures for improvements in the attendance of demand in the capacity of the roads to provide a Service Level that allows to improve the satisfaction of the users of the road system of the municipality of São Paulo.
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