Cost Management in Agribusiness: study profitability scenarios of Integrated System vs. Independent System for a Poultry Producer.

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Laura Maria Leite Ferreira
Maritiza dos Santos Wanzeler
Renata Melo e Silva de Oliveira
Alef Berg de Oliveira


Addressing the theme of the cost management in agribusiness poultry industry, this study aims to analyze from the perspective of variable costing indicators the possibility of a poultry producer who works under the scheme of integration migrate to a system of independent production. Through an applied, quantitative case of study, the cost were raised, the contribution margin, break-even point and margin of safety and income statement were calculated in both production systems to enable a comparative analysis between the independent and integrated system of production. Finally, a sensitivity analysis of the contribution margin in relation to the variable cost in the independent system was performed, so a more accurate comparative analysis was possible. Based on the results obtained it was possible to address the pre-established problem of the research and discuss the results found.


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Author Biographies

Laura Maria Leite Ferreira, FGV

Industrial Engineer graduated at UEPA

Maritiza dos Santos Wanzeler, CIABA

Industrial Engineer graduated at UEPA

Renata Melo e Silva de Oliveira, FEUP / UEPa

University of Porto - Student at Doctoral Program in Industrial Engineering and Management; UEPA - Assistent Professor at Department of Industrial Engineering and Applied Social Sciences

Alef Berg de Oliveira, UEPA

Undergraduate Student of Industrial Engineering at UEPA

North Dakota Unviersity (Ciencia Sem fronteiras Scholarship)


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