Analysis of the movements of cabotage port facilities and a long-term course between the period from 2015 to 2017 using the linear regression method
Main Article Content
The requests for tons movements of the public or private port facilities are conditional and structured in their flows by regulatory frameworks of the port law for the operation in part of this Brazilian port system and for the waterway transport networks, but there is a gap in the literature to which one can test its correlation public/private port based on the port infrastructure operations for the time series from 2015 to 2017. As a consequence, this study aims to identify possible impacts on the behavior of these 36 months (events) using the statistical modeling method using the linear regression technique, concluding strategic analyzes of these facilities of public/private port movements of the ports supporting the maritime transport network in its flow, thus contributing to possible investments in civil construction, in the port industry and in its capacity of the expansion of the port arrangement and the support of its transport network and routes monitored and controlled by the Brazilian port system.
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