Analysis of publications of a scientific periodic: evaluation by the tool SPC

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Paulo Cesar Chagas Rodrigues
Franco da Silveira
Bruno Miranda dos Santos
Filipe Molinar


The work consists of analyzing the historical evolution of an international scientific journal, which is characterized by publications via the web and the Open Journal System (OJS) software. In data collection it was necessary to use Google analytics between the years 2014 and 2017, based on the access / session variables and their respective averages. By means of Excel, a statistical analysis was performed based on Statistical Process Control (SPC). The research method selected was the case study, with data and information complemented by bibliographical and documentary research. As a result, the research identified that the international scientific journal presents mostly male users with Brazilian or foreign nationality. Moreover, in the stratification of the journal users by sex and titration it was possible to perceive that doctors are responsible for the greater number of records, both male and female. Finally, there is an increase in the number of views in the international scientific journal, thus confirming that there is a significant importance among academic researchers in seeking access to publications made available via the web.


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Author Biography

Paulo Cesar Chagas Rodrigues, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo (IFSP)

Paulo C. C. Rodrigues is Professor at IFSP – Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo in Jacareí, Brazil. He graduated in Business Administration of computer management at Gennari & Peartree College in 2005.  He got a Graduate-level Specialization in Business Management at Fenix, Bauru and Public Management at the University Don Bosco.  He got his MSc in Industrial Engineering at the College of Engineering Bauru (FEB) - UNESP, Brazil, and his PhD in Mechanical Engineering at the College of Engineering at Guaratinguetá (FEG) – UNESP, Brazil. He participated in the organizing committee of Encep and ENEGEP / ICIEOM events between the years 2007 and 2010, which were promoted by ABEPRO. As a Reviewer from the European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), he participated in some national and international events. Since June 2011 he has been teaching, exclusively, at IFSP – Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo, in Jacareí, Brazil.  Since 2010, he has been working as Chief Editor in  the journal "Independent Journal of Management & Production (IJM&P)".


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