ESCO formation as enabling factor for smart cities development in European Union (UE): Spain case analysis

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Jesus Morcillo Bellido
Bernardo Prida Romero


Cities have reached a huge magnitude and they represent great potential improvement platforms for wealth, employment and competitiveness creation, but also they involve an enormous amount of complexity that emphasized their future management challenges. Cities evolution could be seen as a strong trend towards the development of more efficient and livable cities that have been called "Smart Cities", where one of key topics is linked to how efficiently scarce resources are managed. This document analyzes the development of Energy Service Companies (ESCO) in Spain, as a type of organization preliminary focused on promoting and managing projects related to the efficient use of energy, being their business success linked to energy savings achieved by their clients and getting their revenue from these achieved savings. Outcome of this study expects to provide information of interest to understand the current development of ESCO model projects in Spain as example of what is happening in several major European Union (EU) countries in relation to Smart Cities development and subsequence ESCO growth, the important barriers they currently face to grow faster, and to find evidences of how collaboration between organizations could facilitate energy efficiency management, which at the end is linked to a better understanding of the future development of “Smart Cities” initiatives in EU countries.


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Author Biographies

Jesus Morcillo Bellido, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

PhD in Business Administration

Currently working as Visiting Professor at Escuela Politécnica Superior, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain) in the Industrial & Business Engineering Department. He has worked as executive director in multinational companies, at several countries, during more than 30 years. His professional responsibility before joining university, as full time professor, was linked to: collaborative projects with clients and suppliers that often become into alliances practices, Sustainability and Smart Cities development and Operations/Supply Chain top management positions.

Bernardo Prida Romero, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

PhD in Industrial Engineering,

Currently working at Escuela Politécnica Superior of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain) as Chair Professor in the Industrial & Business Engineering Department. He has published many studies and papers in journals like Interfaces, International Journal of Production Research, etc. during more than 35 years. His area of interest, both in teaching and in research, has been related to Operations management, Supply Chain practices and Smart Cities development.


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