Moodle as e-learning system for esp class

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Iryna Humeniuk
Oksana Kuntso
Natalia Lebedieva
Olga Osaulchyk
Olha Dakaliuk


The aim of the paper is to examine the correlation of the knowledge gained by students in online and offline classes, consequently, the overall performance of e-learning, as well as the effectiveness of the certain language skills among the main four (listening, speaking, reading, writing) by virtue of students’ feedback and objective experimental results using statistical methods data processing. The paper demonstrates the results of the e-learning experimental research conducted during the academic year 2020/21, including the remote learning period due to the Covid19 pandemic situation in the spring semester, at the State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine. Online study support for ESP was personally created as a four-credit course due to ECTS in the Moodle Learning Management System (LMS) with the application of Big Blue Button. The research sample is represented by 100 students majoring in veterinary medicine and enrolled in the mandatory subject of English for Specific Purposes. The group of students was enrolled in the lessons based on their bachelor curriculum. The subjects, referred to as experimental and control groups, accordingly, both wrote the primary test, at the beginning of the course, and the final one at the end. For pre-test content, the online standard test for B1 level was applied. The post-test was created by the educators, who were involved in the experiment. Due to the results procession and test analysis, it is admitted that the students of the experimental group showed slightly worse results in listening comprehension section, while having the same indicators concerning writing skills, and they had essentially worse outcomes in speaking and reading comprehension if compared to their peers from the control group. Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon non-parametrical pair tests were selected to check the statistical hypotheses, due to the character of input data.


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Integration System of Education, Science and Production
Author Biographies

Iryna Humeniuk, State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya

Ph. D. of Philology. Work at the university has been lasting for 15 years. Taught disciplines: English for Specific Purposes (ESP), Business English, Scientific English. Scientific interests: education, teaching ESP, linguistics, phraseology. 

Oksana Kuntso, State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya

Master of Philology. Work at the university has been lasting for 3 years. Taught disciplines: English for Specific Purposes (ESP), Latin, German for Specific Purposes, Business English, Scientific English. Scientific interests: cognitive linguistics, education, teaching ESP.

Natalia Lebedieva, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University

Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Senior Teacher, English Philology Department. Her continuous length of service exceeds twenty years. Since 2020 she has been working at Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University. Apart from scientific research work, Natalia Lebedieva is involved in teaching. She teaches such disciplines as Practice of the oral and written speech of the main foreign language, Theoretical aspects of English Grammar, Foreign languages for specific purposes, Foreign languages for academic purposes etc. Scientific interests: innovative technologies in education, upbringing, methodology of teaching foreign languages, psychology of the higher school. Researcher ID: L-8420-2018

Olga Osaulchyk, Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Olga Osaulchyk is a Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor. She has been working as a teacher of foreign languages (English and German) since 2001. Both teaching and scientific research work form the field of her professional interests. Her main teaching courses are: English for Professional Purposes, Second Foreign Language (German), Second Foreign Language (German) and Translation. Scientific interests: innovations in education, creative potential development, mindmapping, flipped classroom, methodology of teaching foreign languages, upbringing. ReseacherID

Olha Dakaliuk , Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University

Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages for Specific Purposes, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University. She has 20 years of experience teaching foreign languages. She is the author of more than 60 educational-methodical and scientific publications, including 6 textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. She teaches such disciplines as Foreign Language (English), Foreign Language for Specific Purposes (English), Second Foreign Language (German). Scientific interests: Innovative Technologies in Education, Methodology of Teaching Foreign Languages, Professional Education. ResearcherID


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