Workplace incivility and turnover intention among nurses of public healthcare system in Pakistan

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Abdul Samad
Salman Bashir Memon
Ayaz Ali Maitlo


Though workplace incivility is a negative behavioral phenomenon that has infiltrated almost every sector, yet, less investigated in the healthcare sector. The healthcare sector is the backbone for economic and well-being for any nation and mainly composed of nurses. Turnover among nurses is a serious challenge to public healthcare facilities in terms of management, financing, and service quality. Based on the COR theory, this study capitalizes investigation on the effects of incivility on turnover intention through burnout and occupational stress. Simple random sampling was deployed on a sample of 265 nurses from 24 public hospitals of Sindh in Pakistan. Data analysis through partial least square and results revealed that workplace incivility has insignificant relation with turnover intention. Whereas, incivility has a significant indirect relationship with turnover intention through burnout and occupational stress. This study suggests that emotional and occupational depletion in public healthcare is high due to incivility at the workplace. Thus, HR managers must devise policies to practice civil behavior to curtail turnover intention problem among nurses. Besides practical benefits, some limitations with potential future research directions are discussed in the end.


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Author Biographies

Abdul Samad, Muhammad Ali Jinnah University Karachi

Abdul Samad, PhD, is an assistant professor of human resource management in the Department of Management Science of Muhammad Ali Jinnah University in Karachi, Pakistan. He holds a PhD degree in human resource management conferred by University Utara Malaysia in 2019. He is also serving as a program advisor for the Management Sciences program of the university and a member of key committees in the university. With the research interest in waste area of social and management science, the author enjoys an edge in a variety of publications of international repute in the field of human resource management.

Salman Bashir Memon, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University

Salman Bashir Memon, PhD, is an associate professor of human resource management in the Institute of Business Administration of Shah Abdul Latif University in Khairpur, Pakistan. He is also a deputy director in the Directorate of Distance Education, where he is responsible for developing a learning management system for the distance education program. His current research interests include knowledge management, work-life-balance, workplace diversity, work design, mixed-methods research, and structural equation models. He earned his doctoral degree in management science from Queen Margaret University in Musselburgh, Scotland. Dr. Memon can be reached at

Ayaz Ali Maitlo, Sindh University, Larkana Campus


Ayaz Ali Maitlo, is a lecturer in the Department of Business Administration of Sindh University, Larkana Campus, Pakistan. He is currently doing his doctoral research in the field of entrepreneurship from the Institute of Business Administration of Shah Abdul Latif University in Khairpur, Pakistan. His current research interests include psychological capital, employment relationship & employee engagement, and entrepreneurship. Mr. Maitlo can be reached at AYAZALIMAITLO@GMAIL.COM


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