Methodological instruments for choosing a strategy for the sustainable development of the region

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Bryukhovetskaya Natalya Ye
Korytko Tetyana Yu


The main objectives of this work are the development of methodological instruments for choosing a strategy to ensure the sustainable development of the region. This is a study of methods of survey and in-depth interviews. Methodological instruments have been developed to select the region’s sustainable development strategy in the context of decentralization. The level of financial stability is determined by the integral indicator using multiple regression modeling. The risk of reducing the sustainable development of the region is calculated by identifying credit, political, general economic, socio-demographic, natural-environmental and investment risks by determining the values of losses and the likelihood of risk, followed by making a risk map. It has been suggested selecting the strategy for ensuring the sustainable development of the region on the basis of a matrix that includes the values of the integral indicator of financial stability and the index of risk of losing the sustainable development of the region. With the use of theses methodological instruments, a strategy was chosen to ensure the sustainable development of the region in emergency conditions using the example of a part of the Donetsk region.


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