ISSN: 2236-269X

October - December 2014

Published: 2014-12-01

Editorial: Volume 5, Number 4

Paulo Cesar Chagas Rodrigues


Practice of operations in companies of Teresina, Piauí, Brazil

Tonny Kerley de Alencar Rodrigues, Átila de Melo Lira, Irenilza de Alencar Naas


Manufacturing cost reductions and ecoefficiency: a relationship based on a case study

Rosangela Maria Vanalle, Elpidio Moreira Costa, Wagner Cezar Lucato


Evaluation of product development process using EMVS

Iara Tonissi Moroni Cutovoi, José Antonio Arantes Salles, Rosangela Maria Vanalle


Operations management tools in brazilian small companies

Tonny Kerley de Alencar Rodrigues, Átila de Melo Lira, Irenilza de Alencar Naas


Universities and incubators: key factors driving entrepreneurship and socioeconomic development

Liane Mahlmann Kipper, Evandro Rodrigues, Aline Graziele Ferrari, Bruna Bueno Mariani


Estimation of the Informal Economy: An Application of Fuzzy Sets

Vinícius Ximenes Provenzano, Walter Gassenferth, Maria Augusta Soares Machado


Multicriteria hybrid flow shop scheduling problem: literature review, analysis, and future research

Marcia de Fatima Morais, Thays Josyane Perassoli Boiko, Leandro dos Santos Coelho, Rony Peterson da Rocha, Paulo Roberto Paraíso


An overview of the advanced planning and scheduling systems

Thales Botelho de Sousa, Carlos Eduardo Soares Camparotti, Fábio Müller Guerrini, Adauto Lucas da Silva, Walther Azzolini Júnior


Alignment of balanced scorecard perspectives with supply chain management objectives: a literature review

Thales Botelho de Sousa, Carlos Eduardo Soares Camparotti, Kleber Francisco Esposto, Fábio Müller Guerrini


Lean healthcare supply chain management: minimizing waste and costs

Catia M L Machado, Annibal Scavarda, Guilherme Vaccaro


Implementation of distribution centers as logistics competitive advantage: study on oil company distributor in southeast Brazil

Henrique Albernaz, Ursula Gomes Rosa Maruyama, Marcelo Sampaio Dias Maciel, Fernando Ramos Correa
