Healthy lungs maintain a young and energetic body

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Florian Ion Tiberiu Petrescu
Relly Victoria Virgil Petrescu


In general, life is only possible in the presence of oxygen in a form that can be easily absorbed by the body. In the case of humans, the lungs have as their main task the provision of the oxygen necessary for the body to carry out daily activities. The lung is a paired organ located in the chest cavity, a fibro-elastic organ capable of altering your volume during breathing (inspire and expire). The weight of a lung varies between 800 and 1,000 grams, of which more than 50% is blood. The air reaches the lungs through a pipeline system consisting of Nazo-pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and bronchiole. The role of the piping system is to heat and dampen the air or to capture and remove foreign inhaled particles. The channel system decreases in diameter after each branch - from the trachea and the large bronchi to the bronchiole with a diameter of less than one millimeter. The lung consists of over 30 different cell types. Trachea and large bronchi are taped by a mucous layer containing multiple cell types: ciliary cells - provides mucus movement, caliciform cells - secretes mucus, basal cells - plays a role in regeneration and neuro-ectodermic cells - ensures the secretory function of the lungs. In the chorion (the deep layer beneath the mucosa) there are cells involved in the defense processes - lymphocytes, mast cells, eosinophils or neutrophils.


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Author Biographies

Florian Ion Tiberiu Petrescu, IFToMM

Ph.D. Eng. Florian Ion T. PETRESCU

Senior Lecturer at UPB (Bucharest Polytechnic University), Theory of Mechanisms and Robots department,

Date of birth: March.28.1958; Higher education: Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Faculty of Transport, Road Vehicles Department, graduated in 1982, with overall average 9.63;

Doctoral Thesis: "Theoretical and Applied Contributions About the Dynamic of Planar Mechanisms with Superior Joints".

Expert in: Industrial Design, Mechanical Design, Engines Design, Mechanical Transmissions, Dynamics, Vibrations, Mechanisms, Machines, Robots.


Member ARoTMM, IFToMM, SIAR, FISITA, SRR, AGIR. Member of Board of SRRB (Romanian Society of Robotics).

Relly Victoria Virgil Petrescu, IFToMM



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