The social dimension and indicators of sustainability in agrifood supply chains

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Renato Rocha Dias Santos
Patricia Guarnieri
Otavio Moreira do Carmo Jr.
Silvia Araújo dos Reis
José Márcio Carvalho
Carlos Rosano Peña
صندلی اداری


Several organizations aim to establish and manage cooperative and collaborative actions in order to incorporate the principles related to sustainable management in supply chains. The indicators related to the social dimension are still barely explored in academic research, since the perceived business practices are still emerging in the contemporary world and in the organizational relations. The opposite of the financial and environmental dimensions, which are already rooted in the business environment. In agrifood chains, social aspects are essential when suppliers are often impoverished farmers, and labor practices are generally painful and exploitative. This paper aims to identify, in the international literature, the state-of-the-art research related to social sustainability in agrifood supply chains. To achieve this goal, a systematic literature review covering papers published in the Science Direct, Directory of Open Access Journals and Emerald Insight databases was carried out. Results indicate that academic production is still low, despite its growth in recent years, and is limited to approaches containing indicators of social sustainability related to support communities affected by agrifood business. In addition, it evidences arrangements among members of supply chains, mostly of the cooperative type, having collaborative arrangements with more limited approaches among the analyzed works.


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Author Biographies

Renato Rocha Dias Santos, UnB - Universidade de Brasília


Patricia Guarnieri, UnB - Universidade de Brasília FACE - Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade Departamento de Administração

Department of Administration

Otavio Moreira do Carmo Jr., UnB - Universidade de Brasília

UnB - Universidade de Brasília

Silvia Araújo dos Reis, UnB - Universidade de Brasília


José Márcio Carvalho, UnB - Universidade de Brasília


Carlos Rosano Peña, UnB - Universidade de Brasília



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