A Case Study: How 5S Implementation Improves Productivity of Heavy Equipment in Mining Industry

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Atma Yudha Prawira
Yuwarni Rahayu
Mohammad Hamsal
Humiras Hardi Purba


This research aims to identify and present key concepts of 5S perspective. These findings link 5S to productivity improvement, which are aligned to an integrated maintenance system rather than maintenance system before. Data were collected from one of mining company in Indonesia. The data is concern in downtime unit, availability and productivity from one of heavy equipment, which is huge dumb truck. Then applying 5S method to decrease downtime unit, increase availability and at the end productivity of heavy equipment is increasing. The result will be compared between before and after 5S implementation. These findings demonstrate the importance of both the technical (visible) and philosophical (invisible) approaches required for each of the 5S components and are discussed in a team rather than cultural framework. The results indicate that 5S implementation may be a source of competitive advantage which can increase heavy equipment performance. The originality and value of the paper is come from the general understanding of the application of 5S and its use as an improvement tool at the system or process level. 5S within the context identified is the strategic platform for the managerial decisions required for the development of an integrated maintenance system.


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