The marketing strategy of firms: an inside out perspective

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Aschalew Degoma Durie
Dr. Getie Andualem
صندلی اداری


The objective of the study was to examine the marketing strategies of Ethiopian medium and large textile companies. The textile sector became the focus of this study because the sector has performed far below than expected, despite the government‘s continued support to and the country‘s comparative advantage in the sector. To attain the stated objective, qualitative research approach with case study design was employed. The case companies were selected based on two criteria; production of finished textile products and operation in both local and global markets. Accordingly, nine companies qualified these criteria and all of them were used as cases. The RBT was the theory employed to explain the differences in performances among firms’ in similar environment. Furthermore, within and cross case analyses were employed to get in-depth understanding about the marketing strategies of the case companies. 


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Author Biographies

Aschalew Degoma Durie, Bahir Dar University

Department of Marketing Management

Dr. Getie Andualem, Addis Ababa University

Department of Marketing Management


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