Application of theory of planned behavior in shrimp consumer behavior analysis

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Anindila Fitria Ghifarini
Ujang Sumarwan
Mukhamad Najib


Although the export orientation of shrimp commodities in developing fisheries sector is very influential and has a great contribution in the country's economic development, but there are still many obstacles encountered in shrimp exports. Besides, domestic market can be an alternative choice for shrimp market. Understanding consumer behavior towards shrimp is very important for producers and government in order to know how consumers’ intention in shrimp consumption. Therefore, in this study conducted a consumer behavior analysis of shrimp to determine intention in shrimp consumption in Indonesia by using The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). This research aimed to analyze the characteristics of shrimp consumers, to analyze the contribution of attitudes toward behavior, subjective norms, and behavioral control and formulate market education strategy which can increase the consumption of shrimp. Descriptively, the results of the distribution of questionnaires showed that majority of shrimp consumers were less than 30 years old, with private employment type and housewives. The result of model Theory of Planned Behavior toward shrimp consumer behavior shows that there is a significant affects directly to intention which is from Subjective Norm. The influence of the environment are greatly affects consumers in taking decisions before making a purchase of shrimp products. The government in its program or policy has initiated an approach to the domestic consumers of seafood products in order to create high attention of people to consume fishery products.


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