The Impact of Product Quality, Service Quality, and Customer Loyalty Program perception on Retail Customer Attitude

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Ricko Achmadi Putra
Hartoyo Hartoyo
Megawati Simanjuntak
صندلی اداری


This journal examines the relationship between perception of product quality, perception of service quality, perception of Customer Loyalty Program on retail customer behavior, and sales volumes of cement products. This study examines three different cement brands, namely cement XYZ with the largest market share, cement PQR which is the main competitor, as well as cement ABC, a newcomer cement brand which is strong enough to enter the Indonesian cement market. The research is focused on the building material retailers with 100 respondents. The data collection will be done by survey through direct interview by using questionnaires. The analysis of this research uses descriptive analysis, analysis by ANOVA and also inferential analysis by using Structural Equation Model (SEM). The results of this study indicate that from the factors that influence the attitudes of retail customers of the three variables tested, only one dominant factor which influences the attitude of retail customers, which is the perception of the product quality. The results of this research also show that the perception of product quality also affects sale volume significantly, the greater the perception of the quality of cement products, the greater the volume of sales generated by the retail customer.


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Author Biography

Hartoyo Hartoyo, Faculty of Human Ecology, Bogor Agricultural University

Hartoyo, PhD. Lahir di Indramayu, 14 Juli 1963. Lulus program sarjana (S1) dari IPB bidang Agribisnis (1986), program magister (S2) dari Virginia Tech, USA bidang consumer sciences (1991) dan program doktor (S3) dari Virginia Tech, USA bidang family economics (1998). Sejak tahun 1987, menjadi staf pengajar (dosen) IPB dengan mengasuh beberapa mata kuliah, di antaranya: Ekonomi Keluarga (S1 dan S2), Manajemen Keuangan Konsumen (S1), Perilaku Konsumen (S2), dan Riset Pemasaran dan Konsumen (S3).  Telah meluluskan banyak mahasiswa dari berbagai jenjang pendidikan, di antaranya telah meluluskan lebih dari 15 mahasiswa program S3. Berpengalaman dalam melakukan penelitian dalam bidang perilaku konsumen dan marketing, manajemen keuangan dan kesejahteraan, serta investasi keluarga dalam sumberdaya manusia. Pernah menjadi konsultan dan tenaga ahli dalam berbagai proyek di FAO, WFP, Kementerian Perdagangan, dan Kementerian Dalam Negeri.  Pengalaman kerja pernah menjabat sebagai Sekretaris Departemen GMSK (1998-2001), Ketua Departemen IKK (2005-2013), dan Wakil Ketua LPPM bidang Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (2013-sekarang). Sekarang menjabat sebagai Ketua Umum Asosiasi Ilmu Keluarga dan Konsumen (ASIKKI) periode 2014-2018.


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