Discrete simulation applied to the production process of electronic components

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Willians dos Santos Lúcio
Lucas Santos da Costa
Adriano Maniçoba da Silva
William Ferreira de Paula


The objective of this research is to demonstrate through simulation techniques and analyses performed in production systems of a company located in the city of Guarulhos and which produces an electronic component that has plastic, acrylic and steel, the improvements that can be applied in it with the use of a specialist software to assist in troubleshooting and help the manager in decision making. For the study, concepts of simulation, Monte Carlo method, queueing theory and the software Arena will be used. By simulating processes and evaluating performance, the software offers reports that assist the manager to see more clearly potential bottlenecks and points of improvement in process, thus effectively contributing to the company's competitiveness on the market. With the study presented in this article it will be possible to verify the importance of the use of this tool.


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