The quasi experimental study of the influence of advertising creativity and exposure intensity toward buying action with aida approach

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Ramdan Dede Budiawan
Arif Satria
Megawati Simanjuntak


Advertisement is one of marketing communication forms made by companies to reach sales goal of certain product. Advertising creativity is one of important factors that determines the success of television advertisement, beside that the exposure intensity also be determining factor to make the television advertisement get attention from spectators. To measure the spectators response toward advertisement in this research, the researcher used AIDA model. AIDA (attention, interest, desire, action) model is one of popular response hierarchy models for marketer as guidance to implement the marketing communication activities. The thesis analyzes the influence of advertising creativity and exposure intensity toward the buying action as the final stage of consumer in deciding the decision to buy product. The research used quasi experimental study to 80 respondents as the target market of the advertised, that is ice cream of Haan brand. The experiment as done in 2 treatments, treatment 1: one advertising exposure and treatment 2: three advertising exposures. The Mann Whitney difference test with SPSS program showed no significant differences between treatment of 1 exposure and 3 exposures. The SEM PLS analysis showed that advertising creativity influenced significantly to attention, interest, desire and action in buying product.


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Author Biographies

Ramdan Dede Budiawan, IPB School of Business

Ramdan Budiawan was born in Bogor (West Java) in 1971. He is student master degree at faculty of business and management in Bogor Agricultural University. He interested in topics related to marketing communications and currently doing research on topic. For correspondence with the author, namely through email: and mobile number on +6287873503232.

Arif Satria, Bogor Agricultural University,

Arif Satria was born in Pekalongan (Central Java) in 1971. Since 2010, he was Dean of the Faculty of Human Ecology (FEMA) IPB. Besides as Dean, he was also actively involved in the preparation of various marine and fisheries policy since 2002. For correspondence with the author, namely through email:

Megawati Simanjuntak, Bogor Agricultural University

Megawati Simanjuntak was born in Balige (North Sumatera) in 1972. Since 2005, she is a lecturer in the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology at  Bogor Agricultural University.  Some of the research is "The Development of Consumer Empowerment Index" in cooperation with the Ministry of Commerce. For correspondence with the author, namely through email:


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