Dying aesthetic Sense of Corporate Employees: A Social disaster

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Mohammad Rizwan Junaid


The intrinsic focus of this paper is to comprehend the causes of societal unrest, diminishing family values, absence of happiness, less or no involvement of corporate employees in social activities, increasing number of psycho patients, disturbed individuals, trackless-ness and a rising sense of alienation. The direct link of all these effects is with corporate world as over burdened, stressed and fatigued employees who are always under extreme stress referencing their jobs are loosing or have lost most of their aesthetic sense and loss of aesthetic sense takes away the sense of beauty in objects, actions, relations and values and eventually Man appears mechanical like machines and this robotics damages the entire family life and death of family lives leave a hollow sphere in a society and these hollow spheres are on the rise round the globe these days. This paper attempts to highlight the causes and their corresponding effects and invite corporate stalwarts to read the writing of the wall without further wastage of time before it is too late.


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Author Biography

Mohammad Rizwan Junaid, Pakistan Institute of Management, Ministry of Industries, Govt. of Pakistan

Deputy General Manager, Training and Development


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