Impact of socio-economic home environment on student learning achievement

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Jolita Dudaitė


Surveys on education intended to test student learning achievement often analyse which educational environment factors have the biggest impact on student achievement. Determination of such factors and assessment of their impact is important in order to control the change in student achievement. Most surveys showed that student achievement is influenced by economic home environment factors, and student’s socio-economic status. The purpose of this article is to analyse impact of socio-economic home environment of Lithuania’s students on learning achievement. Lithuania is a country of limited economic resources. Therefore, it is interesting to analyse whether student’s home socio-economic environment has the same significant impact on learning achievements of Lithuania’s students as the results of surveys in other – and often more rich – countries show. Moreover, it is important to analyse which specific aspects of home environment have stronger or weaker impact on student achievement. Quantitative approach was used for the research. Survey and test were used for data collection.



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Jolita Dudaitė, Mykolas Romeris University

Faculty of Social Welfare


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