Optimization of times and costs of project of horizontal laminator production using PERT/CPM technical

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Fernando Henrique Lermen
Márcia de Fátima Morais
Camila Matos
Rodrigo Röder
Celise Röder


The PERT/CPM is a technique widely used in both the scheduling and in the project feasibility in terms of cost control and time.  In order to optimize time and costs involved in production, the work presented here aims to apply the PERT/CPM technique in the production project of the Horizontal Laminator, a machine used to cut polyurethane foam blocks in the mattresses industries. For the application of PERT/CPM technique in the project of Horizontal Laminator production were identified the activities that compose the project, the dependence between them, the normal and accelerated durations and the normal and accelerated costs. In this study, deterministic estimates for the duration of the activities were considered. The results show that the project can be completed in 520 hours at a total cost of R$7,042.50, when all activities are performed in their normal durations.  When all the activities that compose the critical path are accelerated, the project can be completed in 333.3 hours at a total cost of R$9,263.01. If the activities slacks have been exploited, it can obtain a final total cost of R$6,157.8, without changing the new duration of the project. It is noteworthy that the final total cost of the project if the slacks are used, will be lower than the initial cost. Regarding the initial cost of the project, after the application of the PERT/CPM technique, it presents a decrease of 12.56% of the total project cost.


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Author Biographies

Fernando Henrique Lermen, State University of Paraná (UNESPAR), Campo Mourão/Paraná, Brazil

Graduate student of Industrial Engineering of State University of Paraná (UNESPAR), Campo Mourão/Paraná, Brazil.

Márcia de Fátima Morais, State University of Paraná (UNESPAR), Campo Mourão/Paraná, Brazil

Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering of State University of Paraná (UNESPAR), Campo Mourão/Paraná, Brazil.

Camila Matos, State University of Paraná (UNESPAR), Campo Mourão/Paraná, Brazil

Graduate student of Industrial Engineering of State University of Paraná (UNESPAR), Campo Mourão/Paraná, Brazil.

Rodrigo Röder, State University of Paraná (UNESPAR), Campo Mourão/ Paraná, Brazil

Graduate student of Industrial Engineering of State University of Paraná (UNESPAR), Campo Mourão/Paraná, Brazil.

Celise Röder, Integrado Educational Center (IEC), Campo Mourão/Paraná, Brazil

Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering of Integrado Educational Center (IEC), Campo Mourão/Paraná, Brazil.


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