Customer service orientation on adhesion contracts

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Murielle C. G. R. Câmara
Kleber Cavalcanti Nobrega
Thereza A. B. S. Santos


Hiring a service is a moment of great importance once it builds the perception of the service value and quality. Some companies may deal with that, assuming a greater importance when elaborating their service contracts. Usually law professional people elaborate these documents, but this may include legal attributes, not considering the service to the customers, as well as the customers’ point of view. In times of increasing on customer focus, market and service orientation, a question can be posted: to what extent company contracts show service or customer orientation? This paper compares the service orientation degree for Cable TV contracts from five companies, based on a theoretical model developed to this purpose. From a conceptual model for servant contract, four dimensions were assessed: physical aspects, reasonableness, intelligibility and customer focus. After subject evaluation by eight judges, analyzing the validation index (CVI), it was found that the contracts show moderate orientation to serve. Furthermore, results show that the five surveyed company’s contracts showed a similar overall performance, i.e., none stood out over the other. The study presents important practical efficacy, because it can guide the Cable TV companies to adopt improvement strategies in elaboration of contracts, so that the contractual instruments be would reviewed of clauses that promote the sensation of better service to their customer. Thus, this article directs the manager to the aspect that deserves more attention, i.e, which dimensions require further refinement and direction to serve


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Author Biographies

Murielle C. G. R. Câmara, Potiguar University

Potiguar University

Law Graduate Program Professor

Kleber Cavalcanti Nobrega, Potiguar University Administration Master Program

Potiguar University

Administration Master Program

Thereza A. B. S. Santos, University Center of Rio Grande do Norte - UNI-RN

University Center of Rio Grande do Norte - UNI-RN

Accountability Graduate Professor


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