Management of stakeholders in high complexity projects: applications and empiric evidences in ctr Nova Iguaçu

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Fernando Oliveira de Araujo
Edmarson Bacelar Mota
Luana Hoffmann Assis


This article presents the case of implementation of the licensed landfill CTR Nova Iguaçu (the first initiative all around the world certified by the Clean Development Mechanism – CDM, from Kyoto Treaty), providing an analysis of the practices of management of stakeholders adopted with the neighboring communities surrounding the enterprise. Besides the local investigation at the enterprise concerned, the study is supported by technical-scientific literature, highlighting the themes of stakeholders management, change management, and processes of project management, based on the PMI’s 5th Ed PMBoK view. As conclusions, it is seen, in the situation displayed, that actions of identification, planning and monitoring of the stakeholders were crucial to the initiative success, under the economical perspective and concerning corporative image.


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