Case method in quasi-professional training of prospective teachers
Main Article Content
In the study, the technology of work with cases in quasi-professional training of prospective teachers was designed and the results of academic progress were monitored. The designed technology of work on cases was based on the principles of the competent education. The diagnostic methods were chosen in accordance with the goals of the study experiment that allowed monitoring the dynamics of the researched qualities. The expert evaluation was based on the developed scale of 10 in accordance with the cognitive levels: knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. The experiment has proved that forming and control the competencies with the help of designed technology are more productive that allows making a conclusion about its productivity as well as the effectiveness of created pedagogical conditions. The technology of work with cases in quasi-professional training of prospective teachers includes methods and forms of studying, the description of students’ and teacher’s activity, and has the following components: a target, tasks, the organizational and pedagogical conditions, the informative component, the diagnostics and control, the structure of interaction, the technological component, and the effectiveness. The realization of case technology can be presented at three stages: the preparatory stage, the executive stage, the reflexive stages, which are described by the target, methods and forms, the students’ activity, forming competencies, the teacher’s activity, and control of results. The experimental study of implementing technology of using the case method in the educational process was conducted on the basis of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky State Pedagogical University among pre-service teachers (96 participants) during two semesters while studying the course of Pedagogics.
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