Satisfaction and Motivation: a study with servers from the traffic department of federal district

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Eduardo Dias Leite
João de Araújo Guimarães Neto
Raimundo Otávio Nogueira Dias


The main objective of the present work is to empirically investigate the satisfaction and motivation at work of the employees of the Traffic Department of the Federal District (DETRAN - DF), whose analysis aims to identify how satisfied the employees are with the performance of their duties in the work environment. Furthermore, it was also analyzed how motivated the employees feel. For this, a quantitative descriptive research was used, and for data collection, the Reduced Work Satisfaction Scale (EST) was used, which was developed in Brazil, validated by Siqueira (2008) and a factorial tetra questionnaire, prepared by Ferreira et al. (2006). The survey was carried out between the months of August and September 2020. 123 civil servants in the study participated in the effective position of the total of 1,125. The results showed that although the dimension satisfaction with the head has reached the highest average, the servants feel indifferent, and the motivational factor that has the greatest influence on civil servants concerns the motivation for achievement and power. In relation to motivational factors, employees feel indifferent as to the motivation for performance, achievement and involvement, in addition, the factors in relation to the organization do not influence the motivation of the work. This research contributes as a proposal to improve the quality of life, so that the agency develops policies that enable satisfaction with wages and promotions, as well as motivation regarding the organization of work. The result of this research may contribute to an analysis of the feeling and perception of DETRAN - DF employees, and future decision making in organizational planning.


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