Application of an approach to the innovation management in micro and small enterprises

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Moises Andrade Coelho
صندلی اداری


This research aims to present the application of a management approach focused innovation for micro and small enterprises (MSEs). In the approach the study of the problem is characterized as a qualitative research and in relation to your goals can be characterized as an action research. The delimitation of the universe was made by a small enterprise in the food industry and research techniques used were indirect documentation (desk research and literature), the intensive direct observation (observation and interview) and extensive direct observation (forms). The results demonstrate the usefulness of the approach to innovation management aimed at increasing competitiveness and improving working conditions in MSEs. The relevance of this study lies in applying an approach that enables an understanding of the internal and external environment of the enterprise (ambidexterity) and considers the process of innovation as a social construct nonlinear.


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Author Biography

Moises Andrade Coelho, State Secretary of Science, Technology and Innovation of Amazonas - SECTI/AM

Interinstitutional Relations and Science, technology and Innovation Indicators Department


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