Institutionalization of Accounting and Auditing Services in Ukraine: Genesis, Evaluation, Analysis

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Olena Antoniuk
Petro Kutsyk
Iryna Brodska
Olena  Kolesnikova
Nataliya Struk


The purpose of the article is to consider the impact of institutionalization processes and regulations on the development of accounting and auditing services. The research is based on the analysis of the development of the institutional framework for the provision of audit services. Comparisons of the composition of regulatory support with the actual structure of accounting and auditing services on the basis of statistical data of the Audit Chamber of Ukraine for the period from 2011 to 2019 indicate the problems in institutional support. The purpose of the article is to answer the questions: 1) whether the legislative regulation has an impact on the volume of orders for statutory audit; 2) how the regulations have influenced the development of methodological support for the provision of audit services; 3) whether the practice and theory of audit services need convergence at the institutional level. The authors correlate  classification of audit services in normative documents, including documents of the professional organization of auditors. The issue of institutionalization is considered in the context of the interaction of accounting problems at the national level in Ukraine and the practice of auditors. It has been proven that the provision of accounting services and services is a priority in the activities of auditors. A separate area of research is the institutional principles of activity, requirements for quality of work. The study indicated a decrease in the number of audit entities in Ukraine. The results of the study have shown that there are differences between legal regulation and practice. The conclusion of this paper helps to identify vectors in the development of a regulatory framework of audit services national level.


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Integration System of Education, Science and Production
Author Biographies

Olena Antoniuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Dr.Sc. in Economics, Associate Professor

She is the author and co-author of 4 text books, 5 monographs, more than 120 scientific articles, and teaching aids in Ukraine and abroad, devoted to the issues of development of audit services. Antoniuk O.R. is a member of the Federation of Professional Accountants and Auditors of Ukraine, International Public Organization "Council of Independent Accountants and Auditors".

Scientific interests: Audit, Development of Audit Services, Methodology, and Organization of Provision of Audit Services.

Petro Kutsyk, Lviv University of Trade and Economics

Rector, Dr.Sc., in Accounting Professor of the Accounting Department Lviv University of Trade and Economics (Ukraine). He is certified auditor. Membership in professional organizations: since 2016 – since 2000 – a full member of the Union of Auditors of Ukraine, member of Chamber of Auditors and Accountants of Ukraine. He has published 239 scientific and methodological works, including 177 scientific and 62 educational and methodological works. Co-author of 15 textbooks and textbooks, 16 monographs. He was awarded the badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “Excellence in Education of Ukraine” in 2007. He was awarded honorary labor honors “Badge of Honor” of the Central Union of Consumer Societies of Ukraine in 2007. He was awarded Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science in 2011. He has Diploma of the All-Ukrainian Central Union of Consumer Societies and the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Consumer Cooperatives Workers of Ukraine in 2016.

Scientific interests: Integrated Accounting systems in Corporate Management; Methodology and Organization of Financial Accounting of Investments

Iryna Brodska, Lutsk National Technical University

Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting and Audit.

She teaches disciplines taught: Accounting, International Financial Reporting Standards.

Scientific interests: Implementation of IFRS in financial institutions, the problem of monitoring credit unions.

Olena  Kolesnikova, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor of the Accounting and Taxation Department, Member of the Federation of Accountants, Auditors and Financiers of the AIC of Ukraine. She teaches disciplines taught: Management Accounting, Accounting, Financial Accounting (in English). Scientific interests: problems of theory and practice of accounting of enterprises activity, including agro and industrial production. ResearcherID H-7786-2018

Nataliya Struk, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of Accounting and Auditing Department in Faculty of Economics,  guarantor of the educational and scientific program of the third level of higher education in the specialty 071 «Accounting and Taxation». Member of the Chamber of Auditors and Professional Accountants of Ukraine. She is a lecturer of the following subjects: Financial Accounting 1, Financial Accounting 2, Managerial Accounting, Accounting and analytical support of cost management in the enterprise, Accounting system of business partnership of enterprises. Scientific interests: financial accounting, Managerial Accounting, аccounting system of business partnership, strategic management accounting, еconomic analysis. Researcher ID :  M-7351-2018 


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