Auditor's professional skepticism: a case from Ukraine
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The authors conducted a study of the modern concept of professional skepticism of an auditor in Ukraine to develop proposals in accordance with the main directions of its development and improvement based on positive foreign experience. The research methodology is based on theoretical generalizations and the use of scientific tools, including comparative analysis, surveys of auditors to determine the level of their professional scepticism. 124 questionnaires were distributed to auditors in Ukraine in order to conduct empirical studies to determine the level of professional scepticism of auditors. A total of 92 questionnaires were received, accounting for 74% of responses. The study uses a questionnaire method to determine the level of professional scepticism of participants on the thirty questions identified by HURTT (2010). The authors substantiated the need to develop a separate working document for the auditor, which should contain a list of questions, the answers to which would enable the head of the audit group (the head of the audit firm responsible for the quality control system of the audit firm) to summarize information on the use of professional skepticism by the group members in the audit process for confidence that the audit engagement was carried out with a high level of professionalism and professional independence. The use of the Hurtt scale of professional skepticism (2010) to measure the level of professional skepticism of auditors in Ukraine is quite acceptable for ensuring quality control procedures for audit services both at the intra-firm level and at the level of external quality control.
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