Enabling technologies daily nursing work and its practical implications

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Vander Luiz da Silva
Myller Augusto Santos Gomes
João Luiz Kovaleski


In the health area, technological and scientific advances are paramount for the development of innovative technologies used in the treatment of diseases. Likewise, several categories of technologies are also useful in numerous activities for organizational management, resources management (medicines, data and information sets and people, among other) in the health field. Technologies are essential in work environments, but they also have implications, directly, for professionals who handle and operate them. Therefore, this study aims to identify the main technologies used by nursing professionals (nurses and technicians in nursing) and their impacts on work. Results were obtained through literature review, prioritizing case studies. Was carried out in at Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science, Emerald and Science Direct. Two analyses were conducted, bibliometrics, in order to explore the main data of the articles (years of publications, scientific journals and more frequent terms) and qualitative (highlight the main contributions of articles regarding the researched topic). In qualitative analysis, the articles were submitted to filtering procedures, ordered and selected for full reading. Technologies have potential to improve or create obstacles to the performance at work, health and well-being of the professionals. Health Information Technology was widely disseminated in case studies analyzed; it reduces informational and technical burden at work, access to support from colleagues in large centers and decision-making support, among others positive impacts.


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