Relationship between ethical corporate social responsibility and customer loyalty: the mediating role of customers’ gratitude

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Abdelsalam Adam Hamid
Maigana Amsami
Siddiq Balal Ibrahim
صندلی اداری


The purpose of this study was to examine whether customer gratitude mediates the association between ethical corporate social responsibility and customer loyalty. A cross-sectional survey was adopted. A total of 430 individual customers of retail banks located in some selected towns in north-east region of Nigeria were selected using convenience sampling. Structured questionnaires were used to collect. Descriptive statistics and partial least square structural equation modeling were used in data analysis. Finding showed that ethical corporate social responsibility positively and significantly affected customer loyalty. Also, a positive and significant effect of ethical corporate social responsibility on customer gratitude was observed. Furthermore, it was observed that customer gratitude and customer loyalty are positively associated. Also, customer gratitude mediated between ethical corporate social responsibility and customer loyalty. This study concluded that customer gratitude mediated the influence of ethical corporate social responsibility on customer loyalty. The finding of this study will help managers of Nigerian retail banks to develop ethical corporate social practices which strongly create feelings of gratitude among their banks’ customers in order to take advantage of customers’ gratitude, and eventually cultivate customers’ loyalty.


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