Family in contemporary society

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Branislav Mitic
Armand Faganel
Maša Mitić


Family as a concept is flexible, thus prone to changes concerning the needs of the modern industrial society. Roles within the family are structured following the contemporary conditions, following the emancipation of women, reduction in the male workforce due to mechanization, and increased presence of grandparents as caregivers, due to increased life expectancy. The main objective of this scientific work is to analyse relevant standpoints regarding the function and sustainability of family, while taking into account external influences such as economic status, political situation, as well as societal norms and values. The identification of these challenges helps us determine the extent to which family structure and function is able to adopt to rapid globalisation that is taking place. Globalization is opening many doors, giving us freedom of choice in terms of family structure and roles, while simultaneously forcing us to find our identity through labeling ourselves as “this”, “that”, or “the next best alternative”. Higher living standards constrain our possibility of choice, as fewer children mean less economic burden, but more attention is spent on them. The boomerang effect of childhood is what emphasizes the importance of a stable home.


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Author Biography

Branislav Mitic, ITS Information High School

PhD professor

Courses on basic & postgraduating studies


Globalization / Marketing / Logistics / International relations / Transition in SEE economies /FDI



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