The determinants of variables for the success of business models oriented for sharing: the view of Brazilian consumers

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Bruno Roberto Santos
Ana Beatriz de Mello Moraes
Maria Augusta Soares Machado
Fabiana Madureira Nery
صندلی اداری


The objective proposed by the present study is to identify the determining factors that make sharing-oriented business to succeed under the Brazilian consumers perspective. The findings bring useful information for companies who are interesting in starting up or to continuous in this type of business and help them to develop appropriated strategy taking advantage of the best opportunities in this new market scenario. The theoretical frame supported two analysis fronts: Factors that motivate consumers inside sharing economy and barriers that  bring difficulty to the transactions. As motivational factors, ideological and financial questions were tested. As barriers were studied questions such as legal, technological, social and marketing. The study was supported by a quantitative research conducted in order to test hypothesis about consumer behavior in this kind of business. Around 140 people has answered the survey. The results allow inferring that collaborative consumption, is not a Brazilian behavior yet, but it is a trend and questions involving financial benefits are the ones which most influence the consumers.


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