Economic observatory: proposal of a longitudinal study on the profile of (dis)employment in the Alto Tietê Region

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Douglas Filenga


Regional economic data provide myriad possibilities for pursuing projects related to economic growth and development. Specifically, the Economic Observatory consists of the process of elaboration, capture, analysis and distribution of information related to the profile of (dis) employment of labor. From these stages, the production of studies in the form of scientific works and media dissemination, will aim to stimulate the approach of research institutions and the market formed by people who exercise physical and legal activities in the development and practices of actions that allow a better elaboration in resource allocation, either part of government or private enterprise. The procedures started consist of a validation process of the data collection instrument by specialists, pretesting and initial analysis of the applied database. This is a quantitative study, whose database will consist of minimum quantities of 100 used. Larger studies consider clustering as multiple minimum quantities into a large database and proceeding as cross-sectional analyzes of the thirty-seven investigated variables. The expected result is the creation and development of several research groups, as well as generating information on the topic for those interested.


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Author Biography

Douglas Filenga, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo, Campus Suzano

PHD in Administration at FGV/SP


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