Collaborative logistics and eco-efficiency indicators: an analysis of soy and fertilizer transportation in the ports of Santos and Paranaguá

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Rodrigo Duarte Soliani
Murilo Daniel de Mello Innocentini
Mariana Coralina do Carmo


The present study aims to investigate the use of collaborative logistics between soybean export and fertilizer import operations in the main logistical corridors in the state of Mato Grosso to the ports of Santos and Paranaguá, aiming to identify, analyze and propose an indicator of eco-efficiency that seeks to reduce the financial and environmental impacts of this practice. For that, two scenarios were analyzed, namely: base and ideal. In the ideal scenario, the entire imported fertilizer load participates in collaborative logistics. The base scenario was defined by applying a questionnaire to 96 drivers working in the ports of Santos and Paranaguá, thus identifying the incidence of trucks that return loaded from the port areas with fertilizers. Comparing the base scenario with the ideal scenario, the potential impact regarding the costs of road transport of fertilizers is around R$ 14,696,509.89 in the port of Santos and R$ 11,806,055.10 in Paranaguá, totaling R$ 26,502,564.99. In the ideal scenario, there was a reduction in CO2 emission during 2018 in the order of 29.48 kg CO2 per ton transported in the port of Santos, with the reduction obtained in Paranaguá was 14.38 kg CO2 per ton.


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Author Biographies

Rodrigo Duarte Soliani, Federal Institute of Acre (IFAC)

Rodrigo Soliani is a Production Engineer, has a Master in Business Administration and is professor and researcher at Federal Institute of Acre (IFAC). Is a doctorate student in Environmental Technology at the University of Ribeirão Preto (UNAERP).

Murilo Daniel de Mello Innocentini, University of Ribeirão Preto (UNAERP)

Murilo Innocentini is professor and researcher in the Graduation Course of Chemical Engineering and in the Post-Graduation Program in Environmental Technology at the University of Ribeirão Preto (UNAERP).

Mariana Coralina do Carmo, University of Campinas (UNICAMP)

Mariana do Carmo has a degree in Pedagogy, a Master in Psychology and a PhD in Education from UNICAMP.


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