Reverse logistics in são Sebastião and Ilha Bela handmade breweries: advantages and challenges
Main Article Content
This article describes the advantages and challenges faced by the handmade beer producers of São Sebastião and Ilhabela regarding the use of reverse logistics in their production processes. It begins with a review of the growing demand of handmade breweries and the need to refine their logistical processes. The following is a referenced description of reverse logistics and how it has become an important competitive differential in the reduction of waste disposal in the environment and its consequent reduction in costs. Analyzing what types and to what extent production control is performed and how the use of reverse logistics is faced, through bibliographic research and case studies. For this purpose, questionnaires were carried out with handmade beer producers and it was possible to conclude which advantages and challenges can be faced by producers in the reverse logistics between them, the advantages in the reduction of costs and the aggregation of socio-environmental value, and the disadvantages such as financial unfeasibility and difficulties in obtaining packaging.
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