Potential benefit for production management of a pulp and paper company from using an ft-nir analyzer

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Eugenio De Felice Zampini
William Akio Oliveira


The pulp and paper segment has been seeking to increase mill efficiency through cost reduction and better production management. One of the ways to achieve this goal is through better control and operation of the pulp plant digester cooking. The study aimed to verify the accuracy of the FT-NIR analyzer in the liquor lines of a pulp and paper digester and its possible benefits for production management. The research methodology used was the case study, where it was analyzed and compared the results of the equipment with the values of the company's laboratory. The analysis of the instrument proved accurate and reliable, providing information on various properties of liquors that enable the optimization of production management with the stabilization of the operation. Future trends indicate that infrared technology will continue to play an important role as a detection platform due to its inherent flexibility and capability.


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