Behavior Intention To Purchase Real Estate: An Empirical Study In Ho Chi Minh City

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Phuong Viet Le-Hoang


This research aims to identify and measure the factors that influence customers' behavior intention to purchase real estate in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The survey was conducted with the participation of 220 customers, and 201 valid respondents can meet the requirement to analyze. The author explored five factors that influence customers' intention to buy real estate, including financial status, corporate reputation, location, private living space, and surroundings. The results from the Explore Factor Analysis (EFA) show that location, financial status, corporate reputation, and private living space have a significant influence on customers' intention to buy real estate. In particular, the location in the context of Ho Chi Minh City is the most influential factor, so it strongly confirms the research of Opoku and Abdul-Muhmin (2010), Wang and Li (2006), Yam and McGreal (2010), Chia et al. (2016), Le-Hoang et al. (2020a). The study also proposed some recommendations to increase the attractiveness of the real estate market. Moreover, real estate developers, marketers, brokers, sellers, consultants, and policymakers can use the results of this study to have better understand customer needs and satisfy customers.


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